Vier Gewinnt mit dem Perlenspiel-Framework
Im folgenden Video zeige ich, wie man den Klassiker „Vier Gewinnt“ mit dem Perlenspiel-Framework programmieren kann. Weiter unten findet ihr den Quelltext zu diesem Spiel.
- game.js
"use strict" var aktuellerSpieler; // 1 oder 2 var spielBeendet; // All of the functions below MUST exist, or the engine will complain! // PS.init( system, options ) // Initializes the game // This function should normally begin with a call to PS.gridSize( x, y ) // where x and y are the desired initial dimensions of the grid // [system] = an object containing engine and platform information; see documentation for details // [options] = an object with optional parameters; see documentation for details PS.init = function( system, options ) { "use strict"; PS.gridSize( 7, 6 ); PS.statusText("Vier Gewinnt (Marco Bakera)"); aktuellerSpieler = 1; spielBeendet = false; }; function spielerWechseln() { if(spielBeendet) { return; } if(aktuellerSpieler == 1) { aktuellerSpieler = 2; } else { aktuellerSpieler = 1; } PS.statusText("Spieler am Zug: " + aktuellerSpieler); } // PS.touch ( x, y, data, options ) // Called when the mouse button is clicked on a bead, or when a bead is touched // It doesn't have to do anything // [x] = zero-based x-position of the bead on the grid // [y] = zero-based y-position of the bead on the grid // [data] = the data value associated with this bead, 0 if none has been set // [options] = an object with optional parameters; see documentation for details PS.touch = function( x, y, data, options ) { "use strict"; if(spielBeendet) { PS.audioPlay("fx_uhoh"); return; } PS.audioPlay( "fx_click" ); var erfolg = einwerfen(x); if(!erfolg) { PS.audioPlay("fx_uhoh"); return; } gewinnPruefen(); spielerWechseln(); }; function einwerfen(spalte) { for(var y=5; y>=0; y--) { if(feldFrei(spalte, y)) { PS.color(spalte, y, aktuelleFarbe()); return true; } } return false; } function feldFrei(x, y) { return PS.color(x,y) == PS.COLOR_WHITE; } function aktuelleFarbe() { if(aktuellerSpieler == 1) { return PS.COLOR_RED; } else { return PS.COLOR_YELLOW; } } function gewinnPruefenAlleRichtungen() { for(var x=0; x<=6; x++) { for(var y=0; y<=5; y++) { var vierGefunden = suche4InAlleRichtungen(x, y); if( vierGefunden) { return true; } } } return false; } function suche4InAlleRichtungen(x, y) { var waagerechtRechts = 0; // - var senkrechtUnten = 0; // | var diagonalAufwaerts = 0; // / var diagonalAbwaerts = 0; // \ for(var i=0; i<=3; i++) { if(eigenerStein(x + i, y)) { waagerechtRechts++; } if(eigenerStein(x, y + i)) { senkrechtUnten++; } if(eigenerStein(x + i, y - i)) { diagonalAufwaerts++; } if(eigenerStein(x + i, y + i)) { diagonalAbwaerts++; } } if(waagerechtRechts == 4 || senkrechtUnten == 4 || diagonalAufwaerts == 4 || diagonalAbwaerts == 4) { return true; } else { return false; } } function eigenerStein(x, y) { if(x >= 0 && x <= 6 && y >= 0 && y <= 5) { return PS.color(x, y) == aktuelleFarbe(); } else { return false; } } function gewinnPruefen() { if( gewinnPruefenAlleRichtungen() ) { gewinnMelden(); spielBeendet = true; } if(brettVoll()) { PS.statusText("Unentschieden"); PS.audioPlay("fx_hoot"); spielBeendet = true; } } function brettVoll() { var freiePlaetze = 0; for(var x=0; x<=6; x++) { for(var y=0; y<=5; y++) { if( feldFrei(x,y) ) { freiePlaetze++; } } } return freiePlaetze == 0; } function gewinnMelden() { PS.audioPlay("fx_tada"); PS.statusText("Spieler " + aktuellerSpieler + " hat gewonnen!"); } // Called when the mouse button is released over a bead, or when a touch is lifted off a bead // It doesn't have to do anything PS.release = function( x, y, data, options ) { }; // Called when the mouse/touch enters a bead // It doesn't have to do anything PS.enter = function( x, y, data, options ) { }; // Called when the mouse cursor/touch exits a bead // It doesn't have to do anything PS.exit = function( x, y, data, options ) { }; // Called when the mouse cursor/touch exits the grid perimeter // It doesn't have to do anything PS.exitGrid = function( options ) { }; // Called when a key on the keyboard is pressed // It doesn't have to do anything PS.keyDown = function( key, shift, ctrl, options ) { }; // Called when a key on the keyboard is released // It doesn't have to do anything PS.keyUp = function( key, shift, ctrl, options ) { }; // Called when an input device event (other than mouse/touch/keyboard) is detected // It doesn't have to do anything PS.input = function( sensors, options ) { };
schule/vier_gewinnt_perlenspiel.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2021-04-17 12:21 von pintman